Sriracha Sauce Recipe

Sriracha, a popular chili sauce, brings a delightful blend of heat and tanginess to dishes. Here’s a simple yet thoughtful recipe for homemade plant-based sriracha. This sauce retains the essential spicy and robust flavors that sriracha enthusiasts love, while ensuring all ingredients align with plant-based dietary considerations. It's a straightforward preparation that yields a versatile condiment, adding a nuanced kick to your culinary creations. Give it a try, and adjust the ingredients to match your desired level of heat and flavor.


1 pound of red jalapeño peppers, stems removed and roughly chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon sugar (ensure vegan-friendly)
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons water


Preparing the Ingredients

Wash the jalapeño peppers thoroughly, remove the stems, and roughly chop them. Keep the seeds for extra heat if preferred.
Peel and finely mince the garlic cloves.

Cooking the Mixture

In a non-reactive pot (stainless steel or glass - do not use alluminum), combine the chopped jalapeño peppers, minced garlic, and apple cider vinegar.
Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.

Blending the Sauce

Carefully transfer the cooked mixture into a blender.
Add the tomato paste, sugar, sea salt, and water to the blender.
Blend until a smooth paste is formed, adding a little extra water if necessary.

Final Cooking

Pour the blended sauce back into the pot and simmer for an additional 10-15 minutes over low heat, allowing the flavors to meld together.
Adjust the seasoning if necessary, adding more salt or sugar to taste.

Cooling and Storing

Remove the pot from heat and allow the sauce to cool to room temperature.
Transfer the sriracha sauce into clean, airtight containers or glass jars.
Store in the refrigerator. The sauce should be good for up to a month.


Adjust the heat level by using more or fewer seeds from the jalapeño peppers.
Ensure all utensils and containers used are well sterilized to prolong the shelf life of the sriracha.