Plant-Based Exfoliating Soap Bars with Essential Oils and Fruit Recipe

Indulge in the world of natural skincare with our delightful and eco-friendly Plant-Based Exfoliating Soap Bars. Crafted with love, these luxurious bars combine the goodness of essential oils, nourishing fruits, and a gentle exfoliator to rejuvenate and pamper your skin. Let's embark on this refreshing journey to create your own skin-loving soap bars.


1 cup of clear glycerin soap base (plant-based)
1 tablespoon of crushed walnut seeds (or other suitable exfoliator)
1 tablespoon of mashed ripe fruit (such as avocado, papaya, or banana)
10-15 drops of your favorite essential oils (e.g., lavender, tea tree, or sweet orange)

Equipment Needed:

Microwave or double boiler (for melting the soap base)
Heat-resistant container (for melting the soap base)
Small bowl (for mixing the exfoliator and mashed fruit)
Silicone spatula or spoon (for stirring and mixing)
Dropper or pipette (for adding essential oils)
Soap molds (to shape the soap bars)


Prepare the Soap Base:

Start by melting the clear glycerin soap base according to the package instructions. This step can usually be done in a microwave or a double boiler.

Add Exfoliator and Mashed Fruit:

Once the soap base is melted, add 1 tablespoon of crushed walnut seeds (or your chosen exfoliator) into the mixture.
Incorporate 1 tablespoon of mashed ripe fruit into the mix as well. The fruit will add nourishing properties to the soap bars and a touch of natural color.
Infuse with Essential Oils:

Now it's time to introduce the aromatic magic! Add 10-15 drops of your preferred essential oils to the soap mixture. The essential oils will not only create a lovely scent but also offer various skin benefits.

Pour into Soap Molds:

Carefully pour the soap mixture into your chosen soap molds. Silicone molds work particularly well for easy removal.

Set and Cool:

Allow the soap bars to cool and harden completely in the molds. This process may take a few hours or overnight.

Unmold and Store:

Once the soap bars have solidified, gently remove them from the molds. Your beautiful, handcrafted exfoliating soap bars are now ready for use!
Store the soap bars in a cool, dry place or wrap them in eco-friendly packaging to maintain their freshness.

How to Use:

Wet your skin and the soap bar, and then gently lather the soap in your hands.
Massage the soap onto your skin in circular motions to enjoy the exfoliating effects of the crushed walnut seeds.
Rinse thoroughly with water and revel in the soft, refreshed feeling of your skin.

Caution: Be mindful of any allergies or skin sensitivities to specific essential oils or fruit ingredients. Perform a patch test before using the soap bars on larger areas of your skin.

Enjoy the delight of naturally exfoliated and moisturized skin with these Plant-Based Exfoliating Soap Bars. Let nature's goodness envelop you as you savor the calming aroma of essential oils and relish the benefits of natural fruit extracts. Elevate your skincare routine to a whole new level of plant-based luxury!